Andrew Denn, who had been so pleased with the treatment he’d received at Bristol Eye Hospital – and that after 70 years of wearing glasses he now no longer needs them!
Andrew explained that he had non-stereoscopic vision, and astigmatism in both eyes, requiring his natural lenses to be replaced with a special type of lens. He had two operations, both with successful outcomes.
His letter said, “The service of all the members of the operating teams, nurses and the administration staff plus their concern for their patients was of the highest standard. An example of the NHS at its best. Hence the reason for my donation.”
Comments from other grateful patients include:
Susan Adams
I am a patient at Bristol Eye Hospital and I been so grateful to all the doctors, nurses and consultants for their actions to save my sight from glaucoma.
Yvonne Bell
A dear neighbour Mrs Noellvie Watson did some artwork for me and refused payment. When pushed she said “make a charitable donation”. I have recently had a BCC removed from close to my eye plus reconstructive surgery. Everyone involved has been endlessly kind and caring. I could not have received better treatment had I afforded to Go Private! Thank you to all of you and please accept this small donation towards the good work you do.
Esther Campbell
Thank you all for looking after my mum, Jacqui, so wonderfully in the past 24 hours when she had a cornea transplant. Your care was exceptional and all our worries about the surgery were allayed by the most supportive and kind staff.
Alison Finch
I thank Mr Derek Tole and Mr Omar Elhaddad for their exceptional care over the last few years, as well as members of their team and the wonderful Gloucester Ward.
John Godfrey
I have been attending the Bristol Eye hospital for the last 18 months and I am truly grateful and indebted for all they have done for me.
William Henderson
I was referred to A&E for an undiagnosed but potentially serious condition. My interactions with all the staff from diagnosis and consequent treatment for the condition has been exemplary. I found the hospital welcoming and congenial throughout.
Rachel Hutchinson
I have been lucky enough to receive a donor and undertaken Penetrating Keratoplasty (or full thickness corneal transplantation) surgery by Omar Elhaddad.
Anne Russell
After receiving surgery on both eyes, I wish to make a donation to show my gratitude to the Consultants, Doctors, Nurses and all the staff at the Eye Hospital. I have received excellent care and will be forever grateful for my much improved vision.